Thursday, November 11, 2010

Day 4

Day 4: A habit you wish you didn't have...

I had a hard time with this topic, I didn't quite know how to start, so I read over my little sister Kacie’s blog for a hint. I have to talk about that first… When I read over this question I started thinking exactly what she did, “I don’t have just one, I have a lot.” She is really great at keeping herself in a positive state and can move on from that downward spiral of self-destruction… I’m not so great at that part. So how about I’ll list a few habits I hate and you can pick which one You wish I didn’t have!

I wish I didn’t feel the need to fit in, to be invited to things. I wish I didn’t have the habit of throwing myself into friendships and let my guard down, because I always end up getting hurt. I wish I didn’t pick at my nails while taking phone calls at work… I’d have pretty great/long nails if I’d just stop! I wish I had a higher self-esteem, I know I get on people's nerves when I spew mean comments about myself. I wish other people's habits didn't bug me... like people who chew food or gum with their mouths open. People who don't wash their hands after they go to the restroom. People who drum their fingers, tap their feet, whistle or hum out of tune within hearing range...

How about we try switching to a positive for a moment? Be Kacie-esc for a bit :) I wish I had the habit of saving money, of making good choices when trying to decide when to spend my money and what to spend it on. I wish I had the habit of cleaning out the vacuum when I used it instead of hoping JJ will just do it for me. I wish I had a habit of going to bed on time; I hate hate hate being so tired at work, so why don’t I just go to bed?

Maybe I can keep my bad habits if I had more good habits to outweigh the bad ones! That's how it works, right??

1 comment:

  1. OH OH OH you forgot one bad habit.....being right ALL the time! Thats one I wish you didn't have so much...... teeHEE d:0)
