Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Kids are cute... especially when they aren't yours!

When JJ and I moved into my mom's basement and into her ward, I was nervous about what calling I might be given... I prayed that it wouldn't be the nursery, it's a calling I've never, ever wanted.
Background info first: Growing up I had always said I didn't want kids, wouldn't have any and if by some miracle I did have some, I definitely wouldn't have as many as my mom & dad did. I just didn't do well around them, they always cried when I tried holding them, etc. A few years before I met JJ I changed... slightly... I figured I could have one, Maybe two. Then I met and married my honey and after a year of marriage had a couple baby hungry moments.... but still knew I'd only want a small number, and most of the time those moments would be squashed by a screaming child or the realization of what immense responsibility comes with having a kid. Nope, not ready.
Back to the present: We were called to the nursery. JJ was instantly in agreement, big smile on his face - this was his calling - he loves kids. The bishop then turned to me, lost his smile a little and said, "Candace? You have this sheer look of terror on your face, are you ok?" Uhh, not so much. We accepted the calling, of course, and spent a year taking care of other people's kids for 2 hours every sunday. To say that it was easy, my favorite calling, that I eventually overcame all my fears would be a complete and total lie. :) There were good days and bad, awful moments that made me want to rip my hair out and moments of pure joy and happiness, bad kids and good kids, lessons learned and patience gained... lost.. and gained again. I hope the parents don't mind me posting these pictures, but I taught the kids to share so I have to be an example, right??

So here we go! At the beginning of the hour when each kid came into the room we'd pull out their own "bee" and put it on the board - this is our Nursery class:

Only 10 kids... wait... only?? That's too many in my book! ;)
Typical Nursery day: Play with toys, singing time & parade with instruments, snack time, lesson, coloring or water color, reading time, then we mix it up with music time, dress up, bubbles, balloons, monkeys being jumbled around in a sheet, or scouting for bugs outside when the weather was nice. If you don't get tired just reading all of that, then you're a better person than I!

This is Lydia, my princess! She immediately stuck to me and would run to give me a hug every time she saw me. For some reason my name came out "Candle" instead and it stuck, so much so that on the teaching schedule that's what I was called.

This is Colter, my prince. He is THE best kid. I don't think I ever had to yell or discipline this adorable kid. If I was ever having a hard time with one of the other kids, I'd stick to Colter and he'd calm me down. He's my bestest boy!

This is mini JJ. Ok, his name is Tyler but I swear these two are related. Tyler definitely had his ups and downs but he's a sweetheart and could always make us laugh.

Meet Cory and Tapanga, oh uh, I mean Shaden and MaKenna. These kids hold hands, play house with the baby dolls, and after watching JJ and I waltz during music time, started to copy us. If you asked Makenna who she were going to marry it was always Shaden and visa versa - keep a close eye on these two!

This is Bridger, our peach - seriously, enlarge the picture and you'll agree his hair is peach-esk! Light colored fuzz that sticks out at every point, stinkin' cute kid and always ready with a big grin - this kid would smile at anything!

This is darling Olivia, I could never get over how absolutely gorgeous this little one is. This particular sunday she wouldn't have anything to do with my camera and turned away at the last second every time, so sadly this is one of the only ones I could sneak of her. So it's not the best but had to spotlight her.

This is Amie inspecting baby Mazzie. Amie just recently joined nursery so she doesn't talk at all yet, chews on just about everything, and couldn't get enough of the baby. Mazzie isn't old enough for nursery but her mom was called to help replace our moving out so Mazzie got to come too.

Dress Up Time!

Bubble Time! That's Leah in the background blowing bubbles - we have to take turns cuz we get so light headed trying to keep up with the kids popping them like crazy.

Balloons for everyone!
And that's all folks! I very much enjoyed my first Sunday out of Nursery, but I have to admit I love all those kids and am glad I got to know each of their personalities! Thanks for the memories!


  1. We were in the nursery for a long time too, you definitely grow to love those kids! And I absolutely love the fact that you and JJ would waltz during music time, that is so cute. You guys are the best!

  2. Thank you for posting! Sooo cute! Candle! I really appreciate all you have done for my little guy! Ha ha.... Tapanga and Cory.... I haven't heard that one yet.... just Cinderella and Prince Charming and of course the infamous Troy and Gabriella! LOL.
    Thank you for all you guys have done. It's really nice to be able to have someone you can trust with your precious little gems! Shaden just adores you guys and misses you. He has learned so much in nursery!
    I REALLY appreciate and LOVE you guys!

  3. Whatta cute post this is Candace! I wish I had done something like this when my time was up with my primary class. I totally felt the same way you did when I got the calling. I was freaked out to the max!! But it ended up being the most fun I had ever had...and it was an awesome learning experience. Yay for working with kids!


