Sunday, April 4, 2010

Let's play catch up!

So, I've been a slacker this last little while... I've spent my free time preparing for parties, retirements and well, just getting over illness after illness so now I'll catch up on fun times not blogged about...
Event 1 - learning how to make a cake in a Pampered Chef Batter Bowl. This is truly an art to be perfected and one that I could NOT have accomplished without my awesome big sister. I turned this attempt into a grassy hill covered in Easter eggs which also celebrated my niece's birthday. Turned out sooo cute I think!

Event 2 - Celebrating my mom & 2nd oldest sister's birthdays!
My brother and cutest baby girl.

Me & my girl Shianna - such a cutie!

Me scoring another picture with my mom, I wasn't able to catch the thought bubble that read, "Good heavens Candace, who are your parents?!" :)

Me and my hot big sister - she's sporting a new hair-do and I think it's FABulous!!

My adorable nieces! LOVE YOU!

Not such a great shot of me, but this little cabbage patch kid makes me think that someday in the future I could try having kids of my own.

Event 3 - Easter at Mom-In-Law's
This is a serious task my friends, one must have complete silence and total focus when coloring eggs - this is a job for a professional!

Mom-In-Law with the grandkids - such a fun tradition!! Keep it up!

Event 4 - HAPPY EASTER!!!
The Easter Bunny came to our house!! I'm so glad the change of address didn't mix things up this year :)

And that's the gist - I have a few more pictures here and there, but these are the highlights. I hope you enjoyed it! Hopefully I'll keep this more up to date!


  1. Yay for an update!! And I am so glad you have been having so much fun lately! You are so good to have your camera at every event. I have got to get better at taking more pics. You rock (well)!!

  2. Cute pictures! You must have visited at Dad's before that other party-you are wearing the same shirt... =) Amy's hair is super cuteness!

  3. I loved the update and seeing the pictures of everyone! You are looking really great Candance. Oh yes way to throw a great bridal shower!!!
