Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

JJ and I have spread Valentine's Day out over a week or so because he's had so much homework and then work, so we weren't going to have a whole day to be together - so we spread the love! We ate out some nights, went to see "Valentine's Day" at the District (Fabulous movie!!!), ate lots of chocolate, cuddled on the couch, etc - but most of all just enjoyed our love for one another!
Friday night I was waiting for my Valentine to get home from work and the doorbell rang... what the?? No one comes to visit so I was immediately skeptical. This is what I opened the door to!
A tiny Koala bear holding a Love You! balloon :) someone loves me!
Valentine's morning I got up and decorated the kitchen table, then made pink waffles with dark chocolate chips for my sweetie - he gushed over how good they were the whole time! GO me!

Present time! Jidge got some new shoes & some Tootsie rolls (he loves the vanilla ones) and I got another stuffed animal "bear"ing presents - chocolate, a girls best friend. I also got a new tank and sweater (seen in the next picture...) I love you JJ!

Smiling kids in pink! We look so cute together, don't cha think???
Me and Caitlin - super cute sister! We just had to have a picture since we looked like we could be going to a school dance with our matching outfits :)

We ate dinner at JJ's mom's house - she made heart-shaped meatloaf! Sooo very impressed by this! My sister can't stand meatloaf - hello, it's a LOAF of MEAT! Ug! hahaha, but I'm a fan and very much enjoyed this tasty Valentine's dinner!

The girls! I look a bit evil but JJ was making me laugh pretty hard so you get a crazy face!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!


  1. Happy Valentines Day!!! It looks like you both did a great job of loving each other and taking care of one another!!! What a fun holiday! Love you

  2. You two are a cute couple! and so festive!

  3. So cute! And I love how you and Caitlin are matching!
