Monday, September 6, 2010

Big Backwards Post!

I need to play catch-up... so get ready!
We had dinner and s'mores at my mommy's house yesterday, it was great to see my siblings and their kids, feels like it's been awhile! Sadly we missed my biggest sister, she is off on a mountain somewhere having fun, I hope!
S'more preparation...

S'more enjoyment!

My s'more was having issues staying together... I got pretty messy!

Me and my cute hubby!

Baby girl was having a grand time emptying my mom's bottom drawer in the kitchen... she'd pull out one bottle top put it in her mouth, then take it out and put in another one - it had everyone laughing for a long time!

A few weekends ago JJ and I traveled to St George to fit in a vacation before he started school. JJ announced that we'd never live here when the temp gauge said 105!! It was a hot weekend!

Had to cool off with the yogurt from Golden Spoon!!

For JJ's birthday his mom gave him a game called "Polarity" from the website. All the discs are magnetic and the point of the game is to balance a piece in the magnetic field of another piece so that the repelling force keeps it in the air (can you tell JJ helped me write that sentence??). After winning 4 games to JJ's 1 he refused to take anymore pictures of me... The ending score was 6 to 2 :) Who's the nerd now?!

The week before we went to St George, we gathered together at my sister's house to celebrate my Grandma's 75th Birthday!!!

Me & Jayson

Amber, Nate & Kacie

Peyton playing house!

Me & Kacie Bug

I've talked before about the awesome levi quilts my Grandma makes for all of us... My Aunt Tracy was sweet enough to make one for her too. This year we decided to add a little to it... we all have our hand prints on it and she added some Kokopelli fabric to the back (Grandma loves that kinda stuff!).

She also got a new hat...
Lookin' Good Grandma!

Daddy and his girls!

All the events were a lot of fun and I'm sorry I didn't post them sooner! Hopefully I'll be more vigilant in the future :)


  1. I know that I wish you would post more, I sure love reading about the adventures of you and that JJ kid. Looks like you had fun with all your partying and vacationing and stuff this summer, and you are looking SOOOooOOOOOooooooooOOOOOoooo good! Look how skinny you are now! congrats! Love ya!


  2. I was just going to say the same thing, you are looking sooo good! And I love that picture toward the top of you and JJ (the one where he's wearing a tie), you look beautiful.

    That game looks like a lot of fun, that's funny that you beat him so many times, hehe. You look adorable in that picture too, holding up your 4 fingers.

    That is so funny about Peyton and the bottle caps, cute little girl!!

  3. Looks like a lot of fun, I so wish you could have been there and ate one of those yummy smores! See you soon
