Monday, June 15, 2009


Welcome to Midway! My family comes here once a year to chill in a giant house, play sports, play games, eat yummy food, slide down the firepolls on 2 floors, jump on the tramp, go shopping and my favorite - Eat At Granny's. Cheeseburger, fries and a thick shake - pure heaven!!

My family was eating Italian back at the house, but I craved the tradition of Granny's so my sweet hubby took me there instead. It's a very old place, I'm not sure how my family ever fit inside the tiny place but it has the best shakes ever!

Game playing! We always have 2 tables set up for game playing, usually it's adults on one and kids on the other. We've got "salad" going on at the round table and "Like Minds" on the kid table. Tons of fun and lots of laughs, most nights people shove off to bed between 12 and 2. Woot!

G.G. and me! My grandma had a stroke years and years ago, so she doesn't get to say all the things she wants to. I absolutely LOVE sitting next to her at family parties because she'll have little comments every now and then that just bust my gut with laughter. She'll raise her hand when she wants attention, starts giggling when teasing family members - or when stories are told about her such as dumping ice/water down the back of my uncle a few months ago during a car ride, just for fun - and smiles her sweet smile when she calls me her "beautiful damsel."
I Love My Grandma!!


  1. Looks like you had fun, I love it. The piano video post was incredible. Someone has had too make free time on their hands huh?

  2. I also love the pic at top. Is that new? I also loved the phrase that love doesn't have cute and soooooooo true!
